cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Friday, February 27, 2009

Stephie at 10 and her Teddy

My grandaughter Stephanie turned 10 recently (HARD TO BELIEVE!), so the last few weeks I was busy knitting this summer cotton cardy for her, plus one similar for her favorite Teddy. All packed in a pretty box with geetting cards plus some $$$$ from John, it all arrived to her on time via Post,.... and she was delighted, as they said.
Stephie a los 10 con su Osito: Mi nieta Stephanie cumplio recientemente 10 anios (DIFICIL CREERLO!), asi que estas ultimas semanas estuve muy ocupada tejiendo este saquito de algodon para ella, mas otro parecido para su osito favorito. Todo bien empaquetado en una caja bonita con tarjetas y algunos $$$$$ de John, todo le llego a tiempo por Correo,...y ella estuvo encantada, asi lo contaron.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A vest for Andrew

I was caught this summer with this wool vest for John' s friend, Andrew.
I promised him a knitted gift and he chose this colour and design.
The only problem was to start at the very end of the cool season, november....
and have to finish with this heat!

But he is happy and that counts more that anything.

Un chaleco para Andrew: Estuve atrapada este verano con este chaleco de lana para un amigo de John, Andrew.
Le prometi un regalo tejido y el eligio el color y el disenio.
El unico problema fue empezarlo bien al final de la temporada fresca, Noviembre.... y tener que terminarlo ahora con este calor!
Pero el esta contento y eso cuenta mas que nada.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2 tops for Nilsa

With summer over us in full, but not in extremes as in Victoria, I had been very busy with my needles CLICKING AND CLACKING!!!!
These 2 summer cotton tops are for my friend Nilsa.