Autumn started and instead of more rains ......finally we have warm sunny days.
Jimmy as busy as ever, he is feeding and mulching everywhere.
Un monton de frutas y vegetales en el patio!
El Otono empezo pero en vez de mas lluvias....finalmente tenemos dias soleados y tibios.
Jimmy tan ocupado como siempre, esta abonando y agregando mantillo por todas partes.
Some bananas
Oranges getting ready
some cucumbers
And I finished Charlie's Afghan !.
When Olga passed away he gave me a bag of all her bits and pieces of wool .
I remember how much she wanted to knit one for TV time, and was meant to be her next project.
So what a better way to use those remnants !
Y yo termine la manta de Charlie!
Cuando Olga fallecio, Charlie me regalo una bolsa de restos de lana.
Yo recordaba que ella queria tejer una manta para la hora de la tele, y era su proximo proyecto.
Asi que, que mejor manera de usar esos sobrantes!
Here ready to take to Charlie
Aqui lista para llevarsela
I have so much sewing to do at the moment , some are already cut, some half way, but I don't feel like it!
Only knitting now.....and as I do as I please, I started this vest in "Fair Isle".
Tengo mucha costura que hacer al momento, algunos ya cortados, otros ya a medio coser, pero no tengo ganas! Solo tejido ahora....y como hago lo que me place, empeze este chaleco en "Fair Isle"
Knittings like this gives me much happiness !
A big hug to each of my knitting buddies.
Tejidos como este me da mucha felicidad!
Un gran abrazo a cada una de mis amigas tejeriles.