cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Thursday, January 17, 2008

my pretty slippers

The pattern belongs to a clever lady: Yelena .....(her blog has so many wonderfull knittings!!!)

With my own adjustment in size, since hers is for her 3 years old son, I knitted my slippers in a deep blue fine wool. Next time I will use 12 ply wool so wont take me so much time.

They are perfect to wear around the house or simply to keep my feet warm in our rare cold days in this part of the world.
But mainly I will use this pattern for gifts.


Eseya, Muñecas con historia said...

Hola amiga, se te extraña!! Por donde andas??

Espero verte pronto en el msn.


Rosa said...

Dolly cuanto tiempo si saber de ti? espero que solo te hayas tomado unas vacaciones. Te esperamos en el foro. Rosa.

Carina said...

Dolly!!! pues que ya he vuelto a mi casita :) han sido unas vacaciones largas (como es usual en mi) y lo he pasado hermoso :D

te han quedado geniales esos slippers !!!
