cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

one more for Tracey

She feels the cold, that' s what she always says......
So here is another cardigan to keep her warm.
I knitted it in a lovely wool, combination os pastels that I hope she likes it. I used the reverse of the stockinette stitch for the right side because it has more texture.
It' s already in the mail with lots of love.



Hola Dolly,
He estado unas semanas sin postear... espero estés bien y feliz y tu hijo ya muchísimo mejor o restablecido.
Un gran abrazo

Rosa said...

Hola Dolly, siempre tejiendo, me alegro. Este jersey está precioso. Espero que tu hijo esté recuperandose poco a poco. Un beso muy grande para todos.